My new ride, Fraelsi

My new ride, Fraelsi
Fraelsi means Freedom in Farose

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

High price of doll patterns

I can make my own but don't have a lot of play time and do want to sew for a couple dolls I have 1 or no patterns for and balk at paying $12.99 for a pattern that is not even a good fit and has design flaws or issues I need to tweak to get the garment to look good.
So, I will whine a bit and try a lower priced pattern designed by someone not as well known and see how it works up, I am just wanting pants and a shirt for a male doll, not some elaborate costume and I would like a few basic pattern pieces for another doll I bought nude at a very low price.
My coming 4 day weekend will be spent with old house work, I hope to start putting the drywall up in my attic space, bought the drywall lift almost 2 weeks ago, it is still in my truck, think budget will allow 8-10 sheets of drywall and that will get a lot of the ceiling areas and start on those slants that my steep roof creates.
I hope to slowly get the area drywalled and then will be even slower with the taping and muddying, and no longer have tools for that so get to add to the cost.
But I do have a sewing area and I did have some fun sewing for 1 of my dolls this past snow bound Sunday and things will improve.

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