And I am looking at new bed frames and dreaming about moving downstairs, back into my bedroom. And that is going to stay a dream, with the room being storage for my sons, unless I buy a storage building or demand/force things.
The ceiling still needs repairs, the walls need some repairs and I want to reprint the room, but I am looking at beds and wanting to be back downstairs, it has been 3 years since I moved up to the unfinished attic area. That space has made progress, but the futon I sleep on is not designed for a long term bed, and the huge dog takes up a lot of it. And my bladder thinks it is a long way downstairs some times.
So, maybe instead of saving up for that bed, I need to be looking and pricing storage buildings, looking at long term, something that I can store garden/yard tools, the mower and the bikes in, at least once Jake moves far enough away to move his things. I don't need a big building, and can always use it, as I don't have much storage here and it would be nice to have a place for the mower and winter storage for the bikes, so I will start looking and thinking about that. It is the only peaceful way I can gain back my downstairs bedroom in the next year.
And I am getting my work brace, support boot replaced, see my orthopedic guy tomorrow, and I hope he is very pleased with how foot and I have progressed, he has not seen us for close to 5 years, at least.
JBS is starting interview process for our plant supervisors, so that is a step closer to the changeover. I am not dancing for joy about the sale of our pork division but it is not our decision, we keep our jobs, and that is what matters most for me right now. Some things will change, and I am hearing gossip about that, uniforms instead of our own clothes with white frock or shirt provided by the company, a few other things.
It is rag weed season and I am taking Zertec again this year. It worked well for me last year, but was on sale so the price is going to make me cry, $20/30 days, and I can expect to need 3 months worth of tiny white pills, but they work, the side effects are not as bad as script stuff, no messing with doctors, which I hate doing here, Taylor Clinic does not meet my needs/demands/quality issues so I am again changing and hunting for better, smarter medical care.
But other than small issues, which I can deal with, life here is good. I am getting some much needed cleaning done here, and getting ready for winter, finances are tight but I keep putting into both bank savings and 401K plans, and those will roll over to the new employer's plans and keep growing, the stock market has taken a drop so that has dropped my investment funds some also but it will come back up, and I will keep putting in, and keep paying down debt load here.