My new ride, Fraelsi

My new ride, Fraelsi
Fraelsi means Freedom in Farose

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

On being happy

I am really happy with who I am and with my life right now.  The house is quiet and warm, my tea pot rests on a tea pot warmer so my tea stays hot.  My old truck has 4 good tires so I know I can get to work and home, no matter how much snow we get.
I will get shelves up in the attic soon and start gaining some order in the studio area.  The attic nest is in better order but it also will get more tidy in the next couple weeks,
The humidifier is cleaned, new filters and is running so that should help with the dry problem here.
Got a job that has good benefits and a paycheck that pays the bills and now and then pays for old house progress. And most of the time I like the job I do.
Falling asleep so need to post this and get tucked in, hear the wind howling outside and am glad to have my house, shelter from the storms and my sanctuary from the world.

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