My new ride, Fraelsi

My new ride, Fraelsi
Fraelsi means Freedom in Farose

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

That new Boot

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this is that new support boot I am starting to really like. It will barely fit in 1 pair of my steel toed work boots, big toe is rubbing on the end of that steel toe but new ones, same style, 1/2 size larger are ordered and Cargill pays the full price for up to 2 pair of work boots per year for me, nice.
It is making a difference, but my left hip joint hurts more. I think as my body adjusts to the boot, and I get a larger work boot, that hip pain will reduce. I know I walk with more balance and closer to the pace I walked at before this accident and I no longer feel ugly and clumsy and 'gross' and that is a huge plus.
A huge improvement in my life, both at work and home, I am not in as much pain and I am not as tired.


Anonymous said...

So glad you have made some much needed progress in getting help for that poor foot. Is there some kind if leather stretching spray you might use on the tight part? I remember my Da using something on his work books that were just a little too tight and a new pair would always give him a blister.
And if this makes you feel more light footed and light hearted--well more power to you! A serious accident takes such a toll on your self esteem--I know I just didn;t feel like myself anymore and got to thinking of myself as old and feeble and a right mess.
When my husband had that surgery and lost so much weight, his hip started to give him more problems. He had always been a real muscle man and losing all that muscle mass three him off balance. He had five surgeries last year--the last one just on Friday. He has four more coming up-two on his hips and two on his spine but I can see such a difference. It just has taken time for his to rethink who he is and realize that this two will pass. It won;t be this way forever and as long as we are happy together, we have a pretty rich life.

Maggie said...

the support boot is hard plastic hiding under soft leather, at least it has enough opening for me to ack my foot into it. I can't slide it down into it.
The steel toed work boots get replaced with same style, 1/2 size larger and my employment pays the full cost now. And see what that does, and once boots and I 'settle in' I go for checkup/fitting.
Man, I walked through the company break room and felt attractive, didn't realize how much my limping,lurching walk had bothered my silly head