My new ride, Fraelsi

My new ride, Fraelsi
Fraelsi means Freedom in Farose

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Good day today

Julie was here today,and the chilies got into the dryer. I helped Otto get safety rail on the open side of Don's bed while Julie 'dog sat' for me. Then we went out to lunch. This afternoon I saw with Don so Otto could get groceries, took a book and my knitting.
The High Point of today was the call from Jake, he is ok, the last box I shipped has not gotten to him but they are expecting a mail delivery within the next few days and he wasn't able to tell me where he is/was. He has heard from his dad so that relieves his worries about Dad.
Kid and I walked 3 blocks this evening and then I put on DIY and started working on the doll things I have cut out.
Now that school is starting I need to work on some 'school clothes' that might sell. All I have in my on line shop right now are summer things.
Hope to walk Kid early in the morning and then get some outside work done and also finish up the doll things and get them posted up for sale, would be great if I could sell some of the clothes I already have done but there's always Christmas gifts for my doll pals.
DIY's This New House program had a great house by on it, far bigger house than I want built but really beautiful home.

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